Ep. 56 – Real Talk with Tiff & Ben | Podcast of Nonsensical Gamers

November 17, 2016

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With “2” being the loneliest number since the number “1,” Matt and Tiff are joined this week by Ben, fellow LONG contributor, to talk game plays, Top of the Stack, politics, censorship, and legacy games. Yeah, it’s kind of all over the place.

Please note, if any of the topics covered in this episode spur comments or concerns that you’d like to share with us, please feel free to reach out to us on our social media outlets, our BGG Guild, or through e-mail.

Show Notes

00:07:45 – What We’ve Been Playing

00:34:29 – Top of the Stack

00:42:07 – Discussion 1: Cards Against Humanity

00:53:10 – Discussion 2: Political Conversations Through Social Media

01:05:00 – Discussion 3: Legacy Games


As always, we appreciate you taking the time to listen in, and hope you enjoy the show! If you’d like to leave feedback, we welcome hearing your thoughts on iTunes and our BGG Guild!

Also, be sure to get in touch with us via Facebook (The League of Nonsensical Gamers), Twitter (@LeagueNonsense) and email (podcast@nonsensicalgamers.com)!

Matt: @SinUhMuhnBuhns

Tiff: @IneptGamer

Dan: @Scandalous_naD

CONTENT MANAGER/PODCAST HOST : Perpetual consumer of all things board, card and game. Lover of dice, card sleeves, and fancy meeples. Jack-of-all-games, Master of none.

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