This week’s list is all about deception and bluffing games. In these games you may have a secret role or identity to thwart the other players from achieving their goal or using your best poker face to bluff your way into points. Smee has decided to exclude himself from this list since he is not huge fan of these games…or is he?!
[su_box title=”Kelly B!” style=”glass” box_color=”#127185″ radius=”2″ class=”su-box-content-kellyb”]
[su_box title=”Biff” style=”glass” box_color=”#127185″ radius=”2″ class=”su-box-content-biff”]
[su_box title=”Ben” style=”glass” box_color=”#127185″ radius=”2″ class=”su-box-content-ben”]
[su_box title=”Buns” style=”glass” box_color=”#127185″ radius=”2″ class=”su-box-content-buns”]
[su_box title=”Steebin” style=”glass” box_color=”#127185″ radius=”2″ class=”su-box-content-steebin”]