abyss Tag

“Legacy” Games Wish List | LONG...

May 12, 2016No Comments3980 Views

The League is inspired to think of what other games that we love might make fun Legacy campaigns.

What We’ve Been Playing (12.07.2015)

Dec 07, 2015No Comments2907 Views

Some quick thoughts on what we have been playing. (12/07/15)

What We’ve Been Playing (9.20.2015)

Sep 29, 2015No Comments3441 Views

So many games...Here is a list of some of our standout titles that we were able to play this week. (9/20/15)

Abyss | Review

Mar 25, 2015No Comments7962 Views

We review Abyss, a stunningly beautiful underwater set collection board game from designer Bruno Cathala.

Expansions Galore – Abyss, 5 Tribes, ...

Mar 10, 2015No Comments4246 Views

Expansions galore this week! Bruno Cathala teases Abyss and Five Tribes expansions, Tiny Epic Kingdom gets its first full expansion, Hearthstone expands its app and

Ben’s Top 5 of 2014

Jan 15, 2015No Comments4065 Views

There were some great board games released in 2014 and I played a lot of them. Somehow I was able to pick out 5 favorites

Kelly B’s Top 5 of 2014

Jan 14, 2015No Comments5445 Views

I'm fairly bad at keeping track of the games that I've played but I thought I'd take a stab at throwing together a list of

Buns’ Top 5 of 2014

Jan 07, 2015No Comments5178 Views

With 2015 here, it's time to take a look back on the past year and highlight those games that really stuck with me.