7 Wonders Tag

BCN 5.18.17 – Teddy Graham Baths

May 26, 2017No Comments4114 Views

Yes, it's the news, but it's also critical reviews on why Rogue One was nap-worthy and philosophical discussions on sticky-sweet Teddy Graham baths. Plus, detailed

7 Wonders: Duel | Review

Dec 30, 2015No Comments11305 Views

7 Wonders Duel, takes the highly regarded series back to its roots and re-implements the basic experience for strictly two players, a player count that

What We’ve Been Playing (12.22.2015)

Dec 22, 2015No Comments2855 Views

We played games, and here are a few that we want to tell you about! (12.22.15)

What We’ve Been Playing (12.01.2015)

Dec 01, 2015Comments off2904 Views

We want to know what you have been playing as well, hit us up in the comments! (12/01/2015)

What We’ve Been Playing (11.23.2015)

Nov 23, 2015No Comments2891 Views

Coal Baron, Pandemic Legacy and 7 Wonders: Duel. Just a few of the titles that we played recently. (11/23/15)

X-Wing, 7 Wonders, Carcassonne, Netrunner &...

Feb 10, 2014Comments off6929 Views