News & Ramblings

First Encounters with Evolution

Jun 18, 2014No Comments5961 Views

In which Smee takes a first look at North Star Games' Evolution, and loses by a single point. Twice.

Origins 2014 Recap

Jun 17, 2014No Comments6074 Views

Origins 2014 is a wrap. Come see a few of Buns' highlights.

Indie Game Alliance | Q & A

Jun 09, 2014No Comments9004 Views

Matt Holden, Executive Director of the Indie Game Alliance, chats about the newly-formed collective of independent game studios that aim to venture on a challenging

Kickstarter Spotlight | June 5th

Jun 05, 2014No Comments2820 Views

Twilight Struggle goes digital, Vikings are Electric, and Technology Progresses ever onwards. ESSEN makes us see double, the Outlaws stroll into town, and more!

King of New York has Cosmic Encounter with D&D Dice

Jun 04, 2014No Comments4902 Views

Time to crown the King of New York, D&D Dice Masters, Cosmic Dominion, and Bestial Forces are on tap for FFG, while Gloom gets gloomier

They Call Me Mister Smee – How I Do What I Do

May 30, 2014No Comments2595 Views

A casual introduction to my gaming style, and eccentric methodology to ratings!

Kickstarter Spotlight | May 29th

May 29, 2014No Comments2198 Views

In this corner, we have fallen gods and bumbling bees, while in the far corner of the ring we find that orcs and humans will

Camels Race to the AquaSphere Port

May 29, 2014Comments off2657 Views

Some unknown German awards are afoot, camels race to America, Village builds a port, Feld takes us underwater to his AquaSphere, we discover new races

Kickstarter Spotlight | May 23rd

May 22, 2014No Comments2559 Views

Queen Games has us exploring dusty old tombs, while Albion's Legacy shows us that strange women lying in ponds and distributing swords is a valid

Games We’ve Yet to Play (Top 50 BGG) | LoNG List

May 19, 2014No Comments4593 Views

This list is of games on the BGG top 50 list that we have not yet played, and we are dying to get to the