Kickstarter Spotlight | September 5th

September 5, 2014


September already? Where-oh-where has the summer gone! This week we cut through the Kickstarter chaff, and bring you several home-grown projects to peruse.

Stuff and Nonsense

by Cheapass Games

Are you the sort of person that enjoys regaling your friends with the story of the one that got away, or your improbable meetings with improbable folk? Well, Stuff and Nonsense might just be your cup of tea!

A boardgame without the board, Stuff and Nonsense fits 2 to 6 players and plays in about an hour. One thing to note, is that this is apparently a remake of the 2002 Cheapass game, Captain Park’s Imaginary Polar Expedition, but with significantly upgraded rules; which are available for download on the Kickstarter page.

You and your friends are globetrotting explorers. Or so you say. Actually, you are all liars and cowards, and despite your claims to the contrary, you’ve never left London.

Players sneak through the back streets of London, gathering evidence of their imaginary travels, and then stride into the Adventurer’s Club to spin tall tales and earn the admiration of their unsuspecting peers.

You all stole this idea from Professor Elemental, who recently pretended to travel to the South Pole. But you know that he actually had a quiet holiday at home. Since you stole his act, the Professor is now your sworn enemy, chasing you around town in the hopes of catching you at it.

CAV: Strike Operations

by Reaper Miniatures

I’ll freely admit that I probably broke a few speed records in backing this particular project. One can never have too many ‘Mechs, and a Reaper ‘Bones’ style of casting is sure to bring the price per figure down. My one caution would be to see how the softer material works with the hard edges and straight lines of robots and machinery, as opposed to more organic figures, but the examples look quite nice!

Reaper’s CAV: Strike Operations (C: SO), in partnership with Talon Games, is a project to ramp up the production of the CAV miniatures line in high-quality plastic and get you the game models you want now at an incredible introductory price as we ramp up for the release with an all-new game edition.

Killer Croquet: A Most Unfriendly Board Game

by Mackenzie Bradford Cameron

Normally the most civilized of outdoor activities, Mackenzie Cameron has pulled back the covers to give us a view into the dangerous underbelly of the sport in Killer Croquet!

Players must manage to navigate through custom-designed courses with both ball and mallet at their side, balancing the desire to finish the course with the need not to get hit upside the head by one of their mallet-wielding opponents.

Keep your eyes peeled next week for a preview from none other but yours truly, here at the League of Nonsensical Gamers!

Six of the World’s Greatest Croquet Players have been kidnapped by a Shadow Organization known as the Pall Mall. Take on the role of an ex-soviet super spy, a time-traveling steampunk cyborg, or the Nordic God of Thunder as you play for the highest of stakes: your lives.

Dead Men Tell No Tales

by Minion Games

For the more mercenary folks among you, who thought Flash Point was too nice, or bemoaned the lack of looting, Minion Games brings you: Dead Men Tell No Tales! Adrift on the high seas, you and your scurvy band of pirates must plunder this burning vessel (How many times do I have to tell you? Loot first, then set fire to everything!) while avoiding the enemy crew and the treasure’s remaining guardians.

For years you’ve been tracking Skelit’s Revenge, the most notorious ship on the high seas, and now you’ve finally taken it. Your Captain has informed you that there are treasure chests hidden on board full of the most valuable treasure the world has ever seen. In spite of the raging inferno aboard the ship, your captain orders you and the rest of his crew to bring him every single one of those treasure chests or you’ll be taking a long walk off a short plank.

SENIOR EDITOR : Refined gamer, collector, consummate geek. Hoarder of miniatures, reluctant painter. My tastes run towards the strategic side of the fence, with city / civilization / empire builders at the focus. I've moved away from direct-conflict games these days, unless they're two-player or one versus many, so one can properly admire the beatdown put upon the opposing side. Yes, I've been known to wear hats with fuzzy ears on them.

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