Kickstarter Spotlight | March 26th


While I’m a bit late for last week, I’m right on time for now!

There seems to be a flood of ill-advised projects running rampant through Kickstarter at the moment, so we’ll try to weed out a few interesting gems for this weekly write up.


by Nerdcore Medical

One of the odder, yet awesome items for this weeks’ wrap-up is this project by Nerdcore Medical, inspired by an earlier game that one-half of the duo had previously produced: Healing Blade. Set in the fantasy world of Soma, where heroic Apothecary Healers struggle to contain the festering might of the Lords of Pestilence, the Bacterionomicon crosses real-world antibiotics and bacteria with a full-fledged fantasy bestiary.

Ironclaw: Book of Adventures

by Jason Holmgren


The Book of Adventures is the latest publication in the Ironclaw Anthropomorphic Fantasy Role-Playing series, and is set to provide new and expanded adventures for Game Masters to run with their players. From a ‘simple’ job to find the Lost Heir of Rinaldi, to a night out at the Triskellian opera, and up to a clash between the Winter Wolves of Bisclavret, this book expands and revises five previously published adventure packages, and includes one completely new story for your characters to experience!

Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King

by Soda Pop Miniatures

Forgotten King is the newest stand-alone expansion for Soda Pop Miniatures’ game of chibi heroes, Super Dungeon Explore. Not ‘Explorers’.. just ‘Explore’. Yeah, it drives me nuts as well. Featuring a new set of rules for an Arcade Mode, where each player controls a Hero against the AI-deck-driven monsters, this edition also allows for the Classic Mode of Consul vs Heroes as in the base game. Claiming to be completely backwards-compatible, an extra sheet of errata will be provided for use with existing cards and figures.


by Kamikaze Games

Brought to us by Kamikaze Games, a subsection of Japanime Games, Barbarossa is an anime-themed card game depicting, in their words:

‘cute German military girls rush[ing] against Moscow to defeat the evil magician Stalin.’

Hey, even Cracked took a shot at this project –

Rahdo Runs Through: Season Three

by Richard Ham

Rahdo, otherwise known as former videogame designer Richard Ham, is generally a well-known name among those that frequent the Board Game Geek community. As a hobby, he produces a number of videos in which he ‘runs through’ a particular board game title, playing a sample game that emphasizes the mechanics and ruleset and provides you, the viewer, with a better feel for the game then a simple review. Also, by ‘a number’, I mean over 150 of them in the past year alone. This project is to support his third year of videos, to purchase the games for review and allow an upgrade to the equipment needed for an all-around better experience.

Sentinel Tactics: The Flame of Freedom

 by GreaterThanGames

Set in the world of Sentinels of the Multiverse, Sentinel Tactics: The Flame of Freedom is a multiplayer, team-oriented battle between heroes and villains on a hex-based map. Featuring rules for a campaign scenario, you can take your team and either follow the Flame of Freedom storyline, or settle down into a knock-down, drag-out brawl between opposing sides.

Set to retail at $39.95 for the game itself, an expansion pack of miniatures will also be available for $29.95. Oddly enough, this KS campaign offers no discount at all, and perhaps even a price premium, as it will run you $40 for the minis, $50 for the game, and $80 for the pair of them together. These basic pledges do not include stretch goals, as they are available at the $60 and $100 levels.

Big Games for Small Pockets

by Dice Hate Me Games

LoNG_KS_Badge_01Dice hate me. It is truly an incontrovertible fact that given a handful of dice, I’ll find a way to lose despite the odds. I feel that this company understands me, and I love them for it.

Anyway! Apparently, in November of last year, they put out a challenge to submit a nifty, engrossing game that used only a deck of 54 cards. The submissions would be judged by playtesters and other independent individuals, with the winner going for funding with this project. In the process, the single winner turned into four, and two additional games were added to the mix as well! Currently, this project offers six different games, including a deck-based version of the eagerly-awaited Brew Crafters, split into two theme packs of Dinner, Drinks, and Dessert along with the travel-themed Globetrotters.

SENIOR EDITOR : Refined gamer, collector, consummate geek. Hoarder of miniatures, reluctant painter. My tastes run towards the strategic side of the fence, with city / civilization / empire builders at the focus. I've moved away from direct-conflict games these days, unless they're two-player or one versus many, so one can properly admire the beatdown put upon the opposing side. Yes, I've been known to wear hats with fuzzy ears on them.

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