Who doesn’t love the idea of exciting game development? Here at the League, discovering new games is totally our jam. While we provide you with reviews of published games and previews of games to come, we’re also constantly on the lookout for the next big game for our personal collections. Here we share with you our most exciting Kickstarter endeavors and let you know what we cannot wait to get from kickstarter!


As with many miniatures-based adventure games featured on Kickstarter, Conan is currently floating in the ether, hitting delay after delay. Now postponed a full 8 months from its original date, I’ll continue to sit on my hands with bated breath. When it arrives though, I fully plan to bury myself beneath hundreds of amazingly sculpted plastic figures, tons of cardboard, and handfuls of dice. After going all Scrooge McDuck with it, I’m sure I’ll get around to trying out the campaign.

The Networks

This is a really cool, open card drafting game where you are trying to create the best show lineup for your TV station. This game reminds me so much of the movie “UHF,” which is a classic comedy by Weird Al. The humor and the game play are lots of fun and I can’t wait to see the final product on my doorstep.


Technically a videogame based off of a miniatures game, nonetheless, this is my currently most-anticipated Kickstarter project. Designed and published by Harebrained Schemes, the folks behind Shadowrun Returns, I have high hopes for this!


Apotheca is a truly unique title from a small-scale publisher, Knapsack Games, that will likely command a lot of attention when it hits the market. With smart, tactical play and some amazing illustrations, the overall package of Apotheca is going to be a thing of beauty. I absolutely cannot wait to get this one back on the table.

Matt has actually backed this game, not me (sorry, I don’t follow KS campaigns). We got a copy of it for a preview a while back and it is really just wonderful. Apotheca is an abstract strategy game that tasks you with lining up colored potion cards by moving them in prescribed methods based on your apothecary cards. The beauty of it is that your opponent doesn’t know what potions you’ve placed unless they use actions to flip them over. There’s also the Memory element involved in remembering what’s been put down and where it’s been moved. The art is fantastic and, looking back through the campaign, it seems like their production is going to be top-notch.

Tiny Epic Western

Another entry into the Tiny Epicness of Scott Almes. The theme and twist on the worker placement drew me into this. Sending your workers out into the towns to claim buildings and take actions by using winning poker hands. Or you can always settle things with a good old fashion duel using the cool bullet dice. This game has hit a ton of stretch goals and should be a hit with the family. I just hope it has more replayablitly than some of the other “Tiny Epic” titles.

Tokaido: Collectors Edition

I have been waiting a long time for this game to arrive! While the game play is not everyone’s cup of tea it’s hard to argue that it’s not one of the most beautiful games on the market. Oversized board, painted miniature figures, metal coins, new expansions, soundtrack and a lot more. I can’t wait to my hands on this game.

Zombicide: Black Plague

I got the base game in December, but I’m listing it here because of everything else that is coming in the wave 2 shipment. This is the first “big” game that I’ve put a bunch of money into to buy tons of add ons and I’m really excited for it. I think with those and the expansion, it’s going to make Zombicide: Black Plaque a really great, immersive experience that I’m really looking forward to.


I’ve had the chance to play a preview copy already, which may be what gets this one on here. I know that I like this one and can’t wait to get the production copy and play more. With the huge success this turned out to be, I’d say a lot of other people are really excited for this too.

Toe Jam & Earl: Back in the Groove

While technically not a board game, it still qualifies as a game I am looking forward to receiving. Nostalgia played a huge factor in my support of this game on Kickstarter. Smee and I used to stay up for hours on end traversing Planet Funkatron in search of our lost ship pieces. Our efforts were mostly in vain but there is no denying that we had a blast each and everytime. I have high hopes for this reboot – I hope it doesn’t disappoint.