NaD Category

About Dan

May 06, 2016
Dan H. (Nad)

Listen, if you dare, and behold the tale of Dan.

Dan’s Top 10 of 2015 | LONG List

Jan 07, 2016
Dan H. (Nad)

Dan's top 10 of 2015!

Spiel des Jahres Challenge 2015

Feb 05, 2015
Dan H. (Nad)

For 2015 I have challenged myself to play every Spiel des Jahres winner from the last 20 years and blog about my experiences. Join me!

Dan’s Top 5 of 2014

Jan 08, 2015
Dan H. (Nad)

Whose bright idea was it to try and condense all of the board games I played this year into a top 5?!

Trying to Keep North Korea Out of the Title

Dec 19, 2014
Dan H. (Nad)

This past weekend our site was hacked. By whom exactly, we don’t know. In this blog we discuss the list of demands given by the perpetrators and our decision to comply.

Gamers for Cures: Dice In Mouth Challenge

Aug 21, 2014
Dan H. (Nad)

The Ice Bucket Challenge has taken the world by storm these last few weeks and helped raise millions of dollars to find a cure for ALS. Steve Avery (co-designer of Nothing Personal and all around miscreant), in all his infinite wisdom, decided this week to start issuing a challenge of his own to all board gamers – The Dice in

Gen Con 2014 Buy or Try List (Part 2)

Aug 12, 2014
Dan H. (Nad)

We continue our Top 10 games to buy and/or demo at Gen Con 2014 with Dan's List. People will be trampled, money will be lost but fun will be had by all.

Gen Con 2014 Buy or Try List (Part 1)

Aug 11, 2014
Dan H. (Nad)

Tiffany and Dan discuss their Top 10 games to buy and/or demo at Gen Con 2014. People will be trampled, money will be lost but fun will be had by all.

Nad’s Intriguing 14 in ’14

Feb 03, 2014
Dan H. (Nad)

The last 2 years have been extremely strong for the hobby board game world.  2014 has a lot to live up to but, judging by the releases on tap this year, could prove equally impressive.  Here is a list of games that have peaked my interest for 2014.  This list could easily have been larger but I didn’t want to