Spotlight Category

Alchemists | Review

Dec 02, 2015No Comments6556 Views

The phone app is very well done and really sends this game over the top in terms of presentation and function. Be warned, though, Alchemists

The Game | Review

Nov 30, 2015No Comments5513 Views

Get through the deck... or lose.

Ashes: Rise of Phoenixborn | Review

Nov 11, 2015No Comments8852 Views

As an Ashes player, you take control of a Phoenixborn driven mad with a lust for power, seeking only to destroy the others like yourself

Lords of Xidit | Review

Nov 04, 2015No Comments7143 Views

Set in the same universe as Seasons, you are one of the Idrakys, heros tasked with bringing hope and succor to the beleaguered cities and