All posts by Smee

SENIOR EDITOR : Refined gamer, collector, consummate geek. Hoarder of miniatures, reluctant painter. My tastes run towards the strategic side of the fence, with city / civilization / empire builders at the focus. I've moved away from direct-conflict games these days, unless they're two-player or one versus many, so one can properly admire the beatdown put upon the opposing side. Yes, I've been known to wear hats with fuzzy ears on them.

Kickstarter Spotlight | April 9th

Apr 09, 2014No Comments2683 Views

Bullfrogs make war, Snitches get stitches, Tabletop Season Three is on the books, and more in this weeks collection of news and miscellanea!

Kickstarter Spotlight | April 2nd

Apr 03, 2014No Comments2991 Views

A new one by Greenbrier Games (Zpocalypse) is up for perusal, as well as an expansion for Coup, while Goodman Games mines the past for

Kickstarter Spotlight | March 26th

Mar 26, 2014No Comments2466 Views

Furries, anime girls, and more! This week brings a varied assortment of games and projects from the depths of Kickstarter to your plates!

Kickstarter Spotlight | March 12th

Mar 13, 2014No Comments2073 Views

Vikings and Dwarves go on vacation, matches are made, and the world keeps on spinning (until it doesn't), in this weekly wrap-up of Kickstarter projects.

Kickstarter Spotlight | March 5th

Mar 05, 2014No Comments2431 Views

Featuring another presentation by Queen Games, this weeks worth of KS projects include Llamas, cheese, mobsters, eldritch horrors, and cute little chibi figures. Not all

Kickstarter Spotlight | Feb. 26th

Feb 26, 2014No Comments2497 Views

From the pulse-pounding excitement of Dreadball XTREME, to the delightfully zen Tokaido Collector's Edition, this weekly wrap-up of Kickstarter projects has everything you could wish

Kickstarter Spotlight | Feb. 19

Feb 19, 2014No Comments2316 Views

This week's latest and greatest in crowdfunding features Among the Stars, Kingdom Builder, War of Kings & Shadows of Esteren!

Kickstarter Spotlight | Feb. 12

Feb 11, 2014No Comments2310 Views

This week's latest and greatest in crowdfunding features Drake II: Horizons, Slaughterball and Heroes Wanted.

Kickstarter Spotlight | Feb. 5

Feb 06, 2014No Comments2440 Views

Draco-Magi, Scoville, Lagoon, & more!

Prosperity | Review

Feb 03, 2014No Comments5052 Views

To become the most prosperous nation of the not-so-distant future, you must strike a balance between corporate cash-grabbing and environmental preservation, as you compete with